Squash bug damage on zucchini plants

Two of my Zucchini Plants are Finished

I went out to check the garden this morning and besides the weeds taking over the pathways, I was disappointed to see that 2 of my zucchini’s have been ravaged by what I assume are squash borers. They were the weakest of the three plants, but come on!! I only got 4 or 5 zucchini’s as a whole crop this year.

I keep reading about how “prolific” zucchini are supposed to be. This stinks.

Next year (Oh, I am not giving up) I’ll have to keep the plants covered until they flower and make sure I use that organic garden dust religiously. I hope it works. I really want more zucchini than I can handle.

The borage is blooming and I picked my first white eggplant today.

This heat and lack of rain has been unbelievable though. The ground is sooo thirsty.

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