Front Yard Garden Planted Almost According To Plan

I made a few changes from the original front yard garden plan when I finally finished digging and planting the seeds today. It took longer than I had hoped because I injured my back last week, but I’m feeling whole again and since I discovered the glory of FREE compost from my municipal recycling center, … Read more

Vegetables Planted in Spring 2010

I’m waiting till it gets a bit warmer to plant the pole garden beans and the oregano, but all the rest have already been planted. The Tomatoes and Peppers and still inside in their peat pots becoming strong little seedlings as we speak. (or type as the case may be) Spinach – BurpeeMelody Hybrid. Planted … Read more

Planting the Vegetable Garden With A Spacing Grid

One Vegetable Garden Planted, Three To Go! So far, only one of the four planned vegetable garden beds have the railroad tie borders around them due to dh’s hectic retail schedule. Since one of them was ready to go, I got busy planting it today. This veg bed, bed D, already had some garlic growing … Read more