Keyhole Garden is All Filled Up With Soil!

Oooooh, my back! (well, not yet. but I’m gonna feel it tomorrow.) This dark patch is where my spring bulbs are starting to come up. We’ve been hanging out in the front yard and the kids were getting dangerously close to running right through them. I had to make them noticeable! I can’t wait for … Read more

Building A Front Yard Keyhole Garden Progress

The walls of the keyhole garden are complete. All told, I spent just about $100 on the 2 top levels of brick because I already had the 2 bottom levels around the yard. I lined the side walls with cardboard, but not the bottom. Some of the other keyhole gardens I’ve seen online line the … Read more

Building a Front Yard Food Keyhole Garden

Back in December I came across a video on youtube and started looking into creating a keyhole garden in my front yard. See my original keyhole garden post. The weather warmed up a bit here at the Jersey Shore for a few days so I wanted to begin putting it together to have it ready … Read more

Winter Sowing and a Keyhole Garden

I put together a few flats of winter sown seeds today. Huckleberry, currants, gooseberry, Jack in the Pulpit and elderberry. I know the berries may take longer to germinate – maybe not even until next year – but I really hope it works. I’ll be patient and I won’t toss the containers if they don’t … Read more