Getting My Fall Garden On

I got a lot accomplished out there in the garden today. After struggling with the thought of tearing out my blighted and hurricane blown tomato plants, I pulled all the green ones off and trashed the rest. The bed was being wasted and they weren’t getting any better, so they had to go. I planted red tipped lettuce, romaine and beets in their place.

Right next to that bed, in the space next to the cabbage, I planted a mesclun mix.

I pulled my bush bean plants, harvested the last of them and had green beans and pasta with garlic and oil for dinner with the kids tonight. If you put the beans in the boiling water first for 5 min., then add the noodles and cook them until aldente, about 8 min, the fresh beans are the PERFECT texture. Drain them all together and add sauce. mmmmmmm.

I planted broccoli raab in place of the beans. Made sure to trim the wilted leaves and help train the cucumber plants on their trellis. I took some of the rooted runners from the strawberry patch and potted them up. I plan to move a few to the front yard beds once they get over the shock.

The kiwi (male and female) were not doing well in the pots I had them in on the front porch, so I potted them up with a better soil mix and put them in the greenhouse with the other plants I’m paying closer attention to right now. I staked a few of the volunteer tomatoes and transplanted one of them to a container in the greenhouse. I also edged the front walk, got rid of the weeds in the cracks and swept the steps and the walk. I don’t do that often enough. It makes SUCH a big difference when you look at the front of the house!

I still have a bunch of mulch in the back of the truck. I need to finish putting it down on the driveway bed and try to unify the flagpole bed with that one solid color mulch. Right now, it’s very choppy looking over there. That bed could use a nice clean edge too.

Here’s what the kids were up to while I was digging in the dirt. This was NOT a couch potato day!