Spring 2020 Covid 19 lockdown of County and State Parks – SHIP Garden Update

Governor Murphy closed the county and state parks in New Jersey this spring to slow the spread of Corona Virus. Before the closure, I made it over to Jake’s Branch County Park on March 12 to work in the SHIP gardens for a while. At home, we have an American highbush cranberry (Viburnum trilobum) in our yard. It’s a large native shrub that grows to 15′.

It’s a gorgeous bush, with bright red fruit and beautiful red foliage in the fall. The flowers are white umbels with tiny flowers in the center and large ones around the perimeter. The shrub had started spreading out and layering through my deep mulch so this spring, before it leafed out, I trimmed it back and potted up a couple of large divisions.

I brought the biggest one over to the SHIP sun garden and planted it the day before a soaking rain. I have no doubt, if left alone, it will do fine in that space. Do deer enjoy the taste of viburnum?! I have no idea – I’ll have to wait until this lockdown is over to go out and take a look.

These plants are self fertile and will produce berries but I tasted one and ICK! They are not good to eat out of hand. Maybe the birds (and deer) will love them. They will certainly provide food and cover for wildlife, as is the beautify of landscaping with native plants.

The garden was heavily mulched and the invading vines from the other side of the back fence were cut back to allow space and light for the new plants to grow. This garden receives a LOT of runoff form the nature center gutter downspouts and gullies were cut into the walking path by the rainwater. The heavy mulch and berm on the low side of the garden may be enough to slow and sink this deluge. I look forward to seeing how the garden holds up this spring and if mulch has been washed away down the path!

When I go to work in the gardens, I’m alone most of the time. It’s a perfect exercise for me where I can accomplish so much while “maintaining social distancing”. I wish the parks weren’t closed – and I’m not alone. While I’ve voiced my opinion to Governor Murphy on Twitter, there are some GOP senators who have made their thoughts public on the subject.

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy ordered all state and county parks to close amid the growing coronavirus outbreak on April 7th 2020. On Twitter, he said, they’ve “seen far too many instances in our parks where people are gathering and socializing in groups.” The decision to close municipal parks is being left up to the local municipalities.

BREAKING: To further social distancing, I’m signing an Executive Order closing ALL:
🏞️State parks and forests
🌳County parks

We’ve seen far too many instances in our parks where people are gathering and socializing in groups. We need to #FlattenTheCurve.

— Governor Phil Murphy (@GovMurphy) April 7, 2020

Please #opentheparks so adults and kids who don’t have a yard of their own can spend time in nature and relieve stress and anxiety this spring. Don’t promote unhealthy habits to people who may turn to comfort and junk food when they feel worried and scared. #healthyliving

— JerseyShoreLisa (@jerseyshorelisa) April 11, 2020

Sen. Declan O’Scanlon, Asw. Serena DiMaso, and Asm. Gerry Scharfenberger (all R–Monmouth) called on Governor Phil Murphy to rescind his Executive Order mandating the closure of all State and County Park spaces to the public.https://t.co/JcJUUFuEpk

— NJ Assembly GOP (@NJAssemblyGOP) April 8, 2020

Take a look at the music video this dad posted on youtube, asking Governor Murphy to re-open the parks!

Pussy Willow growing beside the water at Jake’s Branch County Park

And hey, my opinions are my own. I do not officially represent any entity that is professionally connected with the NJ County Park system. I volunteer my time working in these gardens and it makes me happy. If what I say upsets you, I’m the one you should be blaming. Nobody else.

I hope everyone reading this stays healthy and well and that we are able to put all of this behind us very soon. Take good care of yourselves, my friends.