Vegetables Planted in Spring 2010

I’m waiting till it gets a bit warmer to plant the pole garden beans and the oregano, but all the rest have already been planted. The Tomatoes and Peppers and still inside in their peat pots becoming strong little seedlings as we speak. (or type as the case may be)

Spinach – Burpee
Melody Hybrid. Planted Spring 2010.

Pepper – Burpee
California Wonder

Carrot – Burpee
Nantes Half Long

Lima Bean – American Seed
Henderson (Bush)

Patty Pan Squash – Ferry Morse
Early White Bush Scallop

Tomato – Ferry Morse

Summer Squash – Burpee
Burpee’s Fordhook Zucchini

Bean, Garden – American Seed
Kentucky Wonder (Pole Type)

Chives – American Seed

Broccoli, Specialty Spring Raab – Johnny’s Selected Seeds

Sweet Basil – Burpee
Ocimum basilicum

Swiss Chard – Burpee
Fordhook Giant

Oregano – Burpee
Origanum vulgare

Broccoli – American Seed

– Mary Washington