Planting the Vegetable Garden With A Spacing Grid

One Vegetable Garden Planted, Three To Go!

So far, only one of the four planned vegetable garden beds have the railroad tie borders around them due to dh’s hectic retail schedule. Since one of them was ready to go, I got busy planting it today. This veg bed, bed D, already had some garlic growing at one end. I top dressed this area and dug into the rest, with one bag of miracle grow organic garden soil and about 2 bucket fulls of peat moss. I had pre-dug this whole bed in the fall when I planted the garlic and incorporated compost in at that time.

Using a piece of garden fence with a 3” grid, I planted carrots, lima beans and spinach in the rest of the bed. I like using the grid because it allowed me to properly space the seeds without having to plant in rows like I did last year. I think I’ll fit way more plants in my beds this way.

Abbie and I planted some chives in the container in the front of the house in the foundation bed and I used my new-to-me hand-me-down lawn mower on the front yard for the first time. It ran like a dream! Thank you Aunt Isabelle!